Bouquet of 9 purple Neptune roses
The bouquet is made up of 9 strands with leaves and accessories with a head diameter of approximately 8-10cm. The total height of the bouquet is 44cm
The bouquet of 9 Neptune Roses is a refined and elegant choice, perfect for conveying deep feelings and creating a memorable impression. Neptune roses are known for their unique hues, usually ranging between light purple and pale blue, providing a distinct and sophisticated appearance.
This bouquet consists of 9 carefully selected roses, each flower has velvety and well-defined petals that retain their shape and vibrant color for a long time. The arrangement of the flowers in the bouquet is balanced and harmonious, creating an arrangement that attracts the eye with its simplicity and beauty.
The Neptune rose bouquet is ideal for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, or to bring a touch of elegance to a home's decor. It can be given as a symbolic gift, expressing feelings of appreciation, respect and love.
With its sophisticated look and distinctive colors, this bouquet is a perfect fit for both modern and classic decors, being a centerpiece that adds personality and style to any space.
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